December 5, 2008

Franco Nero

by John Rocco

Franco Nero
is my hero
eating cartons of Marlboro Reds
in vigilante movie
hiding from his revenge
then getting it
smashing bad guy in the face with a shovel
and blowing the rest away.

You will always be the one!
Djano drags the coffin wherever he goes
through the mud.

I’ve modeled myself on
Franco Nero
my hero
and I’m standing in line
in Wal-Mart
smelling of booze at 10 AM
buying cheap shit for people
for Christmas again
but this time I’m dragging
a muddy bloody coffin behind me.

I expected the people to scream,
call security:
“Quick! There’s a maniac
dragging a muddy coffin
down the diaper and baby food aisle!”
But no
the people do not freak out
and wet themselves.
The people in
understand the muddy bloody coffin
because they all pull their own dirty endless coffins.
It is my debit card
issued by the Bank of Hell.
It’s the only one that
works for me and we all know it.


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