April 15, 2009

5 minutes for fighting

by John Rocco

Hammer in my heart
I’m at a hockey game
in good seats I can’t afford
drinking drinks I can’t afford
in Madison Square Garden
$39 for two Jacks
but they were doubles
Orson Welles doubles
and almost worth it
with Steve paying.
Drinking I remember
I had asked Amanda
from Colorado
what was the biggest
thing she ever killed
and she said: “A big moose.
I had to shoot him 5 times
in the heart to bring him down.”

16 minutes and 20 seconds
into the first period
when the first fight breaks out.
They pull their helmets off
and stare before
throwing down their gloves.
Punching until the ice
punches them.

A moose’s heart blown up
my double shot gone
and Sean Avery gets
5 minutes for fighting.


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