August 28, 2009

Innocence and Conquest

by Louisa Casanave

boy with butterflies out-shooting from arms that stretch to my spleen
he stalls, pretending to be a tree, stolid in sight
from touching inside of me my ball of light
with hands so clean
boy whose light house sight and caresses leave fireflies

I see smiling crocodiles and a boiling stock of laughing monkeys
within me here lies conquest and innocents, a dichotomy
and on the scale is Cortes and faeries
crescent moons of varying colors
stalking cats and the mice they go with
but instead of being at each other's ends, they beautify blend:
the feline's smile becomes the planet that the Spaniard triangulates with
through the winged reptilian waters and jungles alive with primates, love and rodents
oh Boy! the conquest and innocence in both of us!



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